Project Details
What is e-Krushika?
e-Krushika is an online software tool developed and designed to provide a platform for the farming community where they can buy various agricultural products. The intention behind e-Krushika is to bridge the gap between Agri manufacturers and the farmers at affordable prices, which helps in identifying the quality Agri manufactures who are hardly known to the market.
e-krushika is founded by an agriculturist Dinesh M J, who is known for coffee and spice crops, along with the co-founder Chaitra who is working in a software industry.
About Jakad Agri ventures Private Limited?
We, being in coffee and spices farming from 3 to 4 generations, initially followed the traditional techniques and practices for decades. As we faced many issues like labor scarcity, climatic changes and various diseases, convinced us to move towards a broader perspective of technology. For the same reason we started to address the problems by educating and guiding farmers by publishing Agri magazine “KRUSHIKA”. This magazine has been running for 14 years and is supported by a forum consisting of successful farmers and Agri scientists who are well aware of theoretical and practical solutions. As a consequence of the same, e-Krushika was born to reach the farming community.
The main motto of e-Krushika is to Educate and provide coffee and spice growers with the information and products to
• Reduce the cost of cultivation
• Increase productivity
• Provide marketing platform for Farm branded products
By enabling
• Accessibility to quality machineries which are new to the market and are very beneficial to farmers to reduce labor cost
• Accessibility to quality products which are environment friendly and helps farmers to increase their crop productivity
• Accessibility to very useful instruments which help in periodic checking of the health of the soil, quality of the grown products etc
• Along with the above ,e-Krushika organizes many on field sessions filled with information in order to educate the farmer on technical know - how’s
• Awareness of available insurance policies on the crop, labor security etc.
On the whole, e-Krushika is striving hard to - Create employment opportunity in rural areas for young generation to avoid migration to cities - Educate farmers about new technologies to increase productivity with less labor by efficient use of manure, water and mechanical tools - Maintain good quality of the products grown to compete with international market - Coffee and spices are export oriented commodities and hence bringing in more revenue to the country if the farmers are supported through reducing the cost of labor and increased productivity.
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