Project Details
The Coffee Board of India wishes to not only create opportunities for entrepreneurs and employment opportunities but also provide a platform to address the critical challenges faced by the Coffee Sector through this Centre. The Centre has been envisioned to house and incubate entrepreneurs from all aspects of Coffee Value chain and also from the coffee eco system. There is a systemic need to address the challenges of the Coffee Sector such as Climate Change, increasing cost of production, slow pace of mechanization, pest & disease infestations (especially in Arabica), lack of domestic market development, slow pace in value addition of coffee, etc.
We have developed the landing page for aic ccri ced, which works as a front end system with all managerial backend platforms for coffee board.
About Coffee Board
During 1940’s, the coffee industry in India was in a desperate state due to the II World war resulting in very low prices and ravages of pests and diseases. At this time, the Government of India established the ‘Coffee Board’ through a constitutional act “Coffee Act VII of 1942” under the administrative control of Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The Board comprises 33 members including the Chairman and the Secretary & Chief Executive Officer. The remaining 31 members represent the various interests such as coffee growing industry, coffee trade interests, curing establishments, interests of labour and consumers, representatives of governments of the principal coffee growing states, and Members of Parliament.
Coffee Board serves as the friend, philosopher and guide to the Coffee sector covering the entire value chain. The core activities are primarily directed towards research & development, transfer of technology, quality improvement, extending development support to growing sector, promotion of coffee in export and domestic markets. The activities of the Board are broadly aimed at
(i) enhancement of production, productivity & quality
(ii) export promotion for achieving higher value returns for Indian Coffee
(iii) supporting development of Domestic market.
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